Why brands need to close the personalisation gap

Rosie Stano
Partner & Marketing Manager
Customers don't just want personalisation, they demand it.

But there's a huge gap in the digital experience brands are providing their customers with versus the one they actually receive.

Indeed, 76 percent of customers get frustrated when the business they're buying from doesn't deliver a personalised experience, with 78 percent more likely to repurchase from businesses who personalise.

Now with 86 percent of customers saying they feel a growing concern about data privacy and with the demise of third party cookies - it's a challenge for brands to deliver an individualised and relevant customer experience that only uses data in a way that's valuable to their customer. [A recent McKinsey report usefully highlights some of the touchpoints customers have with a brand that are most important to personalise.]

This leads Candyspace's Managing Director, Matt Simpson, to discuss The Personalisation Paradox, and how brands can navigate this delicate tightrope.

Watch The Personalisation Paradox.