Mixpanel Partner Summit 2021 – 3 Takeaways

Rosie Stano
Partnerships Manager

As a Mixpanel partner, we were delighted to participate in the first Mixpanel Regional Partner Summit last week. 


Mixpanel is a product analytics tool that enables better conversion, engagement and retention of users – something we at Candyspace see huge value in as we design, build and optimise digital products that deliver against business need and customer demand. 

Below we’ve outlined the key takeaways from the event and how Candyspace and Mixpanel can help companies at every stage of their data maturity journey to build better digital products.


1. Accelerated digital transformation

As the world begins to transition out of various lockdowns and restrictions, we reflect on how many traditional businesses have had to completely pivot and either bolster or rapidly digitise their services. Digital products are at the heart of how customers interact with businesses and this change in customer behaviour is here to stay. The winners will be those who build superior digital products.

Natalie Kouzeleas, Mixpanel EMEA and LATAM Director, outlined how the pandemic has accelerated investment in digital transformation by seven years. This is especially true of traditional ‘offline’ businesses, with many organisations launching D2C offerings overnight.

This shift in customer behaviour and needs means it’s more important than ever for data to be collected, analysed and integrated across the entire digital ecosystem to power digital experience. To help further accelerate this, Mixpanel are growing their partnerships with other digital platforms to provide end-to-end integrations and frictionless customer experience.

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2. Product Analytics Maturity Tool

To help businesses to better define their product and data roadmap, Mixpanel are soon to launch their Product Analytics Maturity Tool. 

Businesses answer a short series of questions to determine how central data is to their organisation, and the maturity of their current data strategy and product analytics. On completion of the tool, businesses are provided with a series of recommendations to help advance along their journey of data maturity. 


3. Mixpanel roadmap

Mixpanel have a rich roadmap to help businesses convert, engage, and retain more users on their digital products. New features will include:

Powerful reports: Comprehensive reporting will help businesses to see the impact of change more clearly with lift visualisation. Furthermore, advanced features for B2B organisations will enable customer behaviours to be analysed at an account level. 

Collaboration tools: To further enable product, marketing and IT teams to embrace collaboration, Mixpanel are updating their navigation and search tools such as providing features to encourage content discovery. A ‘Google Docs’-style sharing notebook will allow multiple teams to comment on and interact with content, with activity feeds highlighting what other colleagues are doing within the platform.

Stack updates: There will be improvements to ingestion rolled out in addition to new APIs to provide more ways in which data can be imported to and exported from Mixpanel. As technology partnerships continue to be integral to Mixpanel’s roadmap, there is a focus on improving integrations with other digital platforms and increasing interoperability. 


If your business could benefit from improving speed to market and making data-driven decisions to aid product development, speak with our Digital Product Consultant, Josh Rudofsky

Our team of digital product experts will help to provide increased clarity over your digital strategy to help you drive actionable insights from your data, and provide a roadmap for improved digital product development.