Make the complex simple: 5 ways your DXP can help

Martin Brierley
Creative Partner

5 ways your DXP can help make complex customer journeys seamless


Your business is complicated. You are transactional, but you are not upselling. Your customers are with you for a lifetime, quite literally, and they need long term interactions with you. You need to be transparent. You need to keep investors informed of all you do, and you are doing a great deal with partners who also need to be brought into the mix.

You are not a financial services provider but your customer relationships need to be just as secure as a bank, and the information you provide them needs to be constantly updated in ways which allow them to feel part of your business.

This isn’t a quiz. Because there is not a single business with this model, there are many across different sectors. Some with all of these issues, and some with only a part of them. You might be in finance, automotive or you might be a housing provider. 

Solving complex problems like these is where the digital disruptors have been brilliant: Monzo in banking, Airbnb in property rental, Uber in transport. What they all have in common is the fundamental belief that great customer experience will grow a business.

DXPs (digital experience platforms) such as Optimizely (formerly Episerver) enable the delivery of those great customer experiences, and for less transactional brands are a powerful tool to make the complex simple and help to grow a business.  




Here are five reasons why: 


1. Personalisation

95% of organisations believe in the long-term benefits of personalisation but only 9% say personalisation is already part of their business’ DNA



When you have multiple user profiles (customers, partners or investors) coming to your site they're there to fulfill a particular need. And while they’re united in craving an efficient, frictionless digital experience, each one of them is an individual and the experience needs to be tailored to each of them. 

To do this requires deep understanding, in-depth user research and most importantly a platform fluid enough to deliver against all their diverse needs. In other words a comprehensive DXP and not simply a website with bolt-ons. 


2. Seamless omnichannel experiences 

73% of B2B executives say customer expectations for personalised experiences are higher now than ever. To convert them, B2B marketers need to deliver consistent omnichannel experiences



A modern customer experience needs to live seamlessly across platforms and devices: it’s something fintech and video-on-demand businesses are leading the way in. The best of these are built on complex custom platforms – necessary for the needs of banking and streaming businesses.

But all businesses – B2C or B2B – should aspire to the same ambition of delivering seamless, cross-platform experiences to customers. Again, a DXP can take the complexity out of that, taking the pain and cost out of a bespoke solution and bringing all the portals together into one consistent platform.


3. A multi-faceted platform for success

86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. Investing in the customer experience is worth it, even if it drives up your pricing



Think of a basic website as a slab of concrete. You can build on top of a slab but you will need lots of bits and may end up with a Jenga-like wobbling tower.

A DXP, however, is a multi-faceted jewel – with functions such as payment, optimised check-out flows, CRM and data integration built-in and switched on from day one. 

And like a diamond, its beauty will be in the eye of every beholder. Some of your users may be B2C and some B2B. They will have different needs, but in the drive to both efficiency and intimacy you will give both sets of your users’ personalised access and user rights depending on their status. This facility to switch user views and deliver content based on customer needs is at the heart of your DXP. 


4. Seamless dynamic content

The modern DXP understands not only the multiple use cases for your platform but will also be able to deliver that content dynamically. The users of your site expect relevant and personalised content that is always up to date. That means constant updating of their personal content, their account status, their payment history and any rewards you may care to incentivise them with. 


5. AI delivering immediate answers

Your web platform should never be static – and while you may be on top of the game at launch you will soon start gathering detailed intelligence about the changing behaviors of your wilful and quirky customers. This can then inform your ability to be flexible and agile in addressing their ever-developing relationship with you. 

The ability to predict their needs and their behaviours is something that a fully-integrated DXP – with in-built AI-driven optimisation – can deliver.


In conclusion

A true DXP is more than simply a CMS solution. It allows you to build great omnichannel experiences and provides a single location for you to gather your existing portals and deliver seamless dynamic experiences. 

Remember: “customer experience is the new marketing”, so if you want your customers to be your premium marketing channel, your advocates in the world, ensure you deliver excellence of customer experience with your DXP.