Celebrating Pride month at Candyspace

Catherine Mitchell
Marketing Executive
As Pride month comes to a close, we’d like to reflect on our commitments to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all of our LGBTQIA+ employees.

Taking place every June, Pride month marks the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, and honours the impact that the LGBTQIA+ community has had on history worldwide. 

To honour this year’s Pride month, we sat down with Principal UX Designer and EDI Working Group member, El Reeve, to discuss how current world affairs are impacting the community and how Candyspace are creating an inclusive and supportive culture:


"The freedom of LGBTQIA+ people remains under attack the world over - everything from the freedom to marry, to have a job, and even just to exist.

For the past several years, blatant acts of oppression by the governments of the UK, US and Russia have made some headlines, but have been less reported than on social media, where hard evidence is easy to find in great quantity.

To help counteract this hostility and regression, it is vital to give our time, attention and voice while listening to the LGBTQIA+ community. At Candyspace, you won't find empty rainbow logo changes or corporate sponsorships of trivial things. We strive to do material things that ensure our LGBTQIA+ employees and their families feel welcomed, supported, held as equal and valued by us. We measure our performance against our Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity strategy on a regular basis so we can hold ourselves accountable.

I'm glad to be able to say that I've always felt respected, valued and equal at Candyspace. Being a lesbian has never caused me to be treated poorly by any member of staff at any level. If anything, I feel this difference is celebrated. It's one of the things I'm most proud of at our company. Our culture is one that celebrates diversity and thrives because of it."


At Candyspace, we create digital products that are loved by everyone. This is only possible when they are informed by people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

As part of our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, all of our employees undergo mandatory D&I training, as well as introducing four working groups, including LGBTQIA+, to ensure that inclusivity is embedded within our business.

We’ve worked hard to create an environment where no matter someone’s sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ethnicity, national origin or physical ability, they feel included, heard and valued.

You can read more about our Diversity and Inclusion policy here.