Three Candyspacers named in BIMA 100

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Alex Banham
Marketing Executive

We are thrilled that three of our talented team have been recognised in this year’s BIMA 100 list.

Every year the BIMA 100 celebrates the pioneers shaping the future of Britain's digital industry. In 2022 three of those recognised come from Candyspace, testament to the talent, passion and ambition of our team.

The Candyspacers who made this year’s list are:

  • El Reeve, recognised in the Creatives and Designers category for using her platform as Senior UX Designer to drive her passion for accessibility, diversity and opportunities for young women in digital. Her standout work includes a Future of Work brief for Rolls-Royce Power Systems, in which she produced a strategic showcase of the workplace in a post-pandemic world and technology that could be used to level the playing field for employees.
  • Seye Olokode, a Champion for Change dedicated to bringing employment opportunities in technology and digital to young people in diverse and under-represented communities in south-east London. Through his efforts, Seye is helping bridge the knowledge gap that is required for digital jobs and is helping to connect employers and schools, illuminating the path into our industry for many young people.

  • Ali Aljoubory, a bright young iOS developer recognised as a Rising Star in digital. Ali's passion, ambition and entrepreneurial spirit caught the attention of Candyspace in 2021after he taught himself to code and built his own app. Ali joined our team working on the ITV Hub, one of the most high-profile digital products in the UK, and brings a fresh perspective and a new approach to his work.

Tom Thorne, CEO of Candyspace commented "The BIMA 100 is a celebration of the innovators and change makers of the UK digital industry, and we're thrilled that three members of our team have received this truly deserved recognition. El, Seye and Ali embody the values of Candyspace and continue to have an incredible impact on our work and the wider community."

More information on BIMA and the full BIMA 100 list can be found here.